Importing linked WSDL files in Pega SOAP connector



During one of my past projects, we were required to integrate with an external system via a SOAP service to verify a customer’s debt history before allowing overdraft on their bank account. However, we encountered a challenge where the service’s WSDL definition was provided in multiple linked XSD files, making the data model complex. Despite our efforts to generate a proper WSDL file using flattening tools, we were unsuccessful.

Pega allows you to import single wsdl file and but it is not possible when the definition is shared as list of linked XSD files. I have spent many ways such as placing the other files in to the service worker folder where the upload file goes before processing but nothing helped. Also checked the service provider where it is possible to host it somewhere and provide the URL as pega will properly import the service from URL. But it was not possible from provider.

In the end, I found a solution by placing the service definition on my own web server and referencing it through URL. While this may seem like an obvious solution, I am sharing this experience for anyone in a similar situation and exploring various options. To use the SOAP connector wizard, please upload the WSDL to a URL that Pega can access and provide the WSDL URL.


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