Cloud Jekyll Uncategorized

How to make and host website for free?

Creating a website is easier than ever, and thanks to modern tools and platforms, you can host one for free. GitHub, in particular, allows free hosting for static websites through its GitHub Pages feature. However, understanding the difference between static and dynamic websites is crucial for choosing the right approach. This blog will guide you […]


Using webpack with multiple file output

With default configuration if you use webpack you will endup creating single JS and CSS file. But there are situations where you need to create multiple output files to avoid loading unnecessary files to the client side. For example you have a backend portal / dashboard and public website. Packing all the assets in single […]


Jekyll: Generate pages for each tags

As I am in the process of converting some of the WordPress based blogs to to use the static website builder Jekyll. This will allow instant response to the users without loading my self hosting servers. Also it is easier to server the blog under same domain without conditional routing of traffic between different docker […]


Automatic deployment with portainer

If you are self hosting your website and aiming for automating the deployment, this quick guide might help you. In this we are going to run the docker services inside a docker swarm cluster and will manage it using portainer. Also we use gihub webhook for automatically triggering the deployment when ever new changes are […]


Setting up Traefik load balancer on Docker Swarm

Recently I was upgrading my home servers from Raspberry Pi to a PC with high configuration (intel i7, 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD). On Raspberry Pi, I used a single node docker network, but with plenty of resources to spend I wanted to explore on multi node Docker Swarm setup. Nginx is a high performing […]

Cloud Raspberry Pi Uncategorized

Nginx SSL pass through

In most of the configuration we terminate the SSL at the load balancer and use http connection from load balancer to the server when it is in internal network. But in some situation we needed SSL pass through such as if the server is handling the SSL certificates. For example, in my home network, I […]

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