Category: Low Code

  • What is not Pega best practice?

    Through out my nearly 16 years of experience in Pega I have worked on many different projects and with many different teams. Sometime I am surprised to see some so called best practices which are actually not making any sense and actually not really best practices. So I thought will do a write on them.…

  • Creating a CodeIgniter website using website generator

    There are many website generators but most of them provided as SaaS. So you will not be able to download the generated website but the code is hosted in the provider side. So you have to keep paying monthly payment as long as you are running your website. Also the customizations are very limited as…

  • Is Low Code and No Code really good?

    Now a days every one talks about low code and no code platforms. Also we can see faster adoption to low code and no code platforms. For some clients we can see a real use case and also for some clients we see they adopt with fear of missing out when comparing with their competitors.…