Category: Pega

  • Importing linked WSDL files in Pega SOAP connector



    During one of my past projects, we were required to integrate with an external system via a SOAP service to verify a customer’s debt history before allowing overdraft on their bank account. However, we encountered a challenge where the service’s WSDL definition was provided in multiple linked XSD files, making the data model complex. Despite…

  • What is not Pega best practice?

    Through out my nearly 16 years of experience in Pega I have worked on many different projects and with many different teams. Sometime I am surprised to see some so called best practices which are actually not making any sense and actually not really best practices. So I thought will do a write on them.…

  • Mockware – Pega Simulations Made Easy



    This post is about my Pega Community Hackathon project named Mockware. I created this project to solve a problem faced by many Pega project team related to integrations. Below listed are some common issues when building/testing integrations with external systems. Running scheduled automation testing without mutating the actual data. Missing actual data for satisfying some…

  • Pega column populations jobs performance issue



    When you have a Pega application running longer time in production you might already have a big case volume. In this time if you expose a new column to the case table and deploy to Pega the column population job triggered by the deployment could take longer time to run. This also could cause some…

  • Handling escape characters with Pega REST connectors



    When you are mapping clipboard page using JSON mapping in Pega REST connector rules, you might have encountered issues when the value of some fields has got special characters such as back slash or double quotes etc. You can resolve the issues by updating or creating a dynamic system setting with below details. This will…

  • Maintaining UI State right in Pega with DX API



    Introduction A small introduction if you don’t know pega or DX API. Pega is at the core is a BPM tool for managing work flows and it offers lot more than that. You can learn more at DX API is set of REST APIs for accessing Pega’s case management functionalities for building front end…