Month: February 2024

  • Jekyll: Generate pages for each tags

    As I am in the process of converting some of the WordPress based blogs to to use the static website builder Jekyll. This will allow instant response to the users without loading my self hosting servers. Also it is easier to server the blog under same domain without conditional routing of traffic between different docker…

  • Create Jekyll themes from scratch

    If you are a fan of static website builders, you will definitely a fan of Jekyll site builder which is also supported by Github static website hosting. Recently I am in the process of converting one of my WordPress to Jekyll to reduce the load on my home hosting servers and to improve the load…

  • Automatic deployment with portainer



    If you are self hosting your website and aiming for automating the deployment, this quick guide might help you. In this we are going to run the docker services inside a docker swarm cluster and will manage it using portainer. Also we use gihub webhook for automatically triggering the deployment when ever new changes are…

  • Using secrets in portainer

    This is a quick post on how to use docker secrets with portainer. We will use the pgadmin service as an example to demonstrate this. Login to the portainer and navigate to the secrets landing page. Then click on create secrets as shown below. After saving the secret go to the stacks and create new…