Creating a website is easier than ever, and thanks to modern tools and platforms, you can host one for free. GitHub, in particular, allows free hosting for static websites through its GitHub Pages feature. However, understanding the difference between static and dynamic websites is crucial for choosing the right approach. This blog will guide you […]
Setting up SMTP relay on iRedMail
In this quick tutorial we will see how you can enable outgoing emails through mail gun relay host. This will be useful if you are using self hosted email with shared IP address. Because when you directly send email from your SMTP server it may be rejected by many major email service providers if you […]
Automatic deployment with portainer
If you are self hosting your website and aiming for automating the deployment, this quick guide might help you. In this we are going to run the docker services inside a docker swarm cluster and will manage it using portainer. Also we use gihub webhook for automatically triggering the deployment when ever new changes are […]
Using secrets in portainer
This is a quick post on how to use docker secrets with portainer. We will use the pgadmin service as an example to demonstrate this. Login to the portainer and navigate to the secrets landing page. Then click on create secrets as shown below. After saving the secret go to the stacks and create new […]
Setting up Traefik load balancer on Docker Swarm
Recently I was upgrading my home servers from Raspberry Pi to a PC with high configuration (intel i7, 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD). On Raspberry Pi, I used a single node docker network, but with plenty of resources to spend I wanted to explore on multi node Docker Swarm setup. Nginx is a high performing […]
Nginx SSL pass through
In most of the configuration we terminate the SSL at the load balancer and use http connection from load balancer to the server when it is in internal network. But in some situation we needed SSL pass through such as if the server is handling the SSL certificates. For example, in my home network, I […]
Backup and restore postgres database with docker run
Now a days it is common to use database as a service from cloud providers instead of maintaining the local postgres installation. Also there will be times you switch between providers due to some reason such as better cost or better performance. That time you may feel the need to install postgres client to back […]
Working with docker stack and iptables
After moving to new country, I am setting up my home network to bring some of containers back from the cloud to self hosting from home. But the problem with my new router is there is no port based routing either all or none by setting the self hosting server as default DMZ server will […]
My docker swarm setup
I am running my websites from my Raspberry Pi mini PC, and in this post, I am going to explain how I organize the apps and manage security using docker swarm network. In my setup I choose nginx container as webserver created on top of light weight alphine linux containers. This performs very well on […]