Recently was refactoring a Java Spring boot project which I bought in Codecanyon. It had an API endpoint to send a HTML verification code. The HTML was hard coded inside the Java code and couldn’t be formatted easily because of this. So I planned to use as the templating engine. Here is the step […]
Reset postgres sql auto increment key
Sometimes after you have imported data in to postgres sql database you might find the new inserts are failing as the generated unique sequence keys are conflicting with existing records. You could fix this by setting the new sequence value to the next values by checking the highest number already exists in records. Please run […]
Removing index.php from CodeIgniter URLs
If you have developed CodeIgniter application and want to remove the index.php file from the application generated URLs, you can follow this simple steps. As a first step you need to go to the config file and remove the index.php. If you have deployed the website to apache web server please make sure the mod_rewrite […]
Which CSS framework to choose in 2022?
I have started using Bootstrap framework so many years back for styling my websites and apps. It really helped me to easily style things same way across the browsers as there were more differences how each browsers handled the styles. We had to use lot of browser specific markups. But things have changed a lot […]
Creating a CodeIgniter website using website generator
There are many website generators but most of them provided as SaaS. So you will not be able to download the generated website but the code is hosted in the provider side. So you have to keep paying monthly payment as long as you are running your website. Also the customizations are very limited as […]
Show and Hide widget animation using React JS
This small tutorial for anyone want to implement a show and hide animation for widgets with simple script and help of some css styles. The final animation will be similar to you see below. If you are setting height values for a div element and the transition set to animate in css for the div […]
Free screen recorder for making animated gif
There is a time that you made an amazing React component and want to show case to the world. Off course you want to show it in action and an animated gif would be better. You search for some screen recorder for making gif file from screen recording. Many of them promised to be free […]
React JS Tags component
I was looking for some light weight Tags component found Tagify to be interesting. But then figured out it got many features which I will not use. So I wanted to create something very minimalist. I found athe following article to follow as I wanted save time while creating this. But that article was […]
Implement form builder with React JS Drag and Drop (DnD)
I am working on a form builder which is part of my CodeIgniter 4 website builder going to be available at The current website builder uses old UI and generates website in CodeIgniter 3. While doing that I had many challenges as I was using the React DnD for the first time. Here I […]