I am working on a form builder which is part of my CodeIgniter 4 website builder going to be available at https://thephpcode.com. The current website builder uses old UI and generates website in CodeIgniter 3. While doing that I had many challenges as I was using the React DnD for the first time. Here I […]
Avoiding form fields loosing focus issues when using redux
I am working on revamping my dynamic website generator thephpcode.com. Last time when I implemented 10 years ago, I choose KnockoutJS for binding data model to the UI as there were not many options at the time. But this time planned to migrate to React JS. I still loves the KnockoutJS for its minimal library […]
Pega column populations jobs performance issue
When you have a Pega application running longer time in production you might already have a big case volume. In this time if you expose a new column to the case table and deploy to Pega the column population job triggered by the deployment could take longer time to run. This also could cause some […]
Which cloud hosting to use in 2022?
If you are starting a small online business like me, this advise might help you. I have done some research recently as I was migrating my web apps hosted from home on my Raspberry Pi4 to cloud hosting. I was considering three factors for choosing best hosting. Cost Performance Features Reliability As many of the […]
Maintaining state with react JS Drag and Drop (DnD) and redux
I am currently working on a form builder which is part of the website builder for thephpcode.com CodeIgniter website generator. So the requirement was to allow users to create dynamic pages by dragging and dropping elements as part of the data model and also support dragging and dropping other building block elements such as column […]
Performance comparison between Digital Ocean Droplet and Raspberry Pi 4
I am hosting all of my websites including this one in Raspberry Pi. Nearly 7 websites are running in a single Raspberry Pi 4 with 8Gb RAM. As am I am planning to move to a different country wanted to transfer my websites to cloud temporarily. As I was researching how it will be the […]
WooCommerce! is it good for your business?
It became so famous who ever already trying out eCommerce platforms will have definitely heard about it. But we can start with the introduction for newbies. What is WooCommerce? WooCommerce is a workpress plugin which provide eCommerce features on top of WordPress blogging platform. This has became so famous as this could be quickly installed […]
Is Low Code and No Code really good?
Now a days every one talks about low code and no code platforms. Also we can see faster adoption to low code and no code platforms. For some clients we can see a real use case and also for some clients we see they adopt with fear of missing out when comparing with their competitors. […]
Bootstrap 5 card header with button right
If you are using cards in your apps, there is a good chance you need to have buttons on the right top within the header. Below snippet will help you to align buttons or icons in the card header right. Here we use flex utils to align the content within the headers. The util class […]